Officer Responsibilities
Giving thought to becoming an officer in the Elks? Below is a brief description of the various roles. If you'd like more information about any particular role, please see a PER or current officer. For a list of the current officers, click here.
You are the Chief Executive Officer of the Lodge. It is your duty to effectively administer the affairs of the Lodge, provide the leadership necessary to the accomplishment of its goals and the responsibility for the proper administration of all phases of its activities.
Knowledge of the job, maintenance of a harmonious environment, and enforcement of the requirements of proper behavior, performance and attendance by Officers and Committee persons. Functions are and should be delegated but the timely performance and reporting remain your responsibility. Communication, either orally or in writing, is vital to inquiries and matters requiring attention.
Your office is the hub of the wheel. While the Exalted Ruler has ultimate responsibility for the administration of the affairs of the Order, the laws, rules and regulations of the Order and the Lodge give him the right to rely on your office for the conduct of much of the administration.
The Chaplain shall perform the duties required of him by the Laws of the Order, or the By-Laws of the Lodge.
To guard well the inner door of the Lodge, permit none to enter except those duly qualified, and none to retire without permission of the Exalted Ruler.
To provide the music prescribed by the rituals of the Order and perform such other duties as are assigned.
The House Committee is responsible for managing and supervising the Club facility, including decisions pertaining to employment relationships and the fixing of prices for goods and services, and hearing complaints for violations of House Rules. Members serve at the pleasure of the Exalted Ruler and may be removed by him/her at any time, with or without cause.
You are the Chief Executive Officer of the Lodge. It is your duty to effectively administer the affairs of the Lodge, provide the leadership necessary to the accomplishment of its goals and the responsibility for the proper administration of all phases of its activities.
- Preside at all meetings, appoint all committees and designate the chairperson, appoint an acting officer to serve in the place of an incapacitated or disabled holder of an office.
- Attend all District Deputy meetings.
- Make preparations for the official visit of the District Deputy to your lodge.
- Make preparations for the official visit of the State President to your Lodge.
- Enforce the Laws of the Order. Perform, other duties required by the Laws of the Order of the By-Laws of the Lodge.
- Be an Ex-officio member of the Board of Trustees without vote.
Knowledge of the job, maintenance of a harmonious environment, and enforcement of the requirements of proper behavior, performance and attendance by Officers and Committee persons. Functions are and should be delegated but the timely performance and reporting remain your responsibility. Communication, either orally or in writing, is vital to inquiries and matters requiring attention.
- Assist the Exalted Ruler. This is your first responsibility, support his/her programs, be cooperative.
- Preside in the absence of the Exalted Ruler, provided a PER has not be designated. Presiding in the absence of the Exalted Ruler falls in order of rank.
- Attend all DDGER Clinics unless excused for good cause.
- Attend District and State Association meetings (Conference and Convention). As second in command the Leading Knight should be as well informed as is the Exalted Ruler.
- Is the Subordinate Forum Prosecutor.
- Assist the Exalted Ruler in the performance of his/her duties and officiate for the Exalted Ruler in his/her and the Leading Knight’s absence.
- Greeter at Lodge functions exemplifying a spirit of brother love.
- Assist the Exalted Ruler in the performance of his/her duties and officiate for the Exalted Ruler in his/her absence, and the Leading Knight’s and the Loyal Knight’s absence.
Your office is the hub of the wheel. While the Exalted Ruler has ultimate responsibility for the administration of the affairs of the Order, the laws, rules and regulations of the Order and the Lodge give him the right to rely on your office for the conduct of much of the administration.
- Be certain your office has copies of all the manuals and other necessary documents.
- Attend the Clinics of the DDGER for the District unless excused for good cause.
- Keep a current mailing list of all members and notify the Elks Magazine of any changes.
- Receive all money due the Lodge and pay the over to the Treasurer.
- Inform applicants of their acceptance or rejection.
- Notify all committee appointees.
- Prepare the Annual Report to the Grand Lodge.
- Prepare a quarterly membership report for the Grand Secretary.
- Report all expulsions and suspensions to the Grand Secretary.
- Read and answer all correspondence of the Lodge subject to the approval of the Exalted Ruler.
- To receive all monies of the Lodge from the Secretary giving him/her a receipt therefore.
- To pay all approved bills against the Lodge signed by the Exalted Ruler and Secretary.
- To maintain an accurate record of receipts and disbursements.
- To act as Treasurer of all Committees unless otherwise provided in the By-Laws.
- To sign all checks unless the By-Laws also provide for a member of the Board of Trustees designated by the Treasurer and approved by the Lodge to sign.
- To control the funds, investments and real and personal property of the Lodge, not otherwise provided by law and collect the income and rents there from.
- To execute all leases contracts or other papers when ordered by the Lodge.
- Maintain a record of investments made under the direction of the Lodge.
- Purchasing all supplies required by the Lodge.
- Present a segregated budget to the Lodge not later than its final meeting in April.
- Establish appropriate controls to ensure expenditures are within budget.
- Establish an Accident Prevention Program with one Trustee designated as chairperson.
- The Chairperson for the Board must attend the Clinics of the DDGER for the District unless excused for good cause.
- The Board must meet at least once very month and keep accurate minutes of each meeting.
- Guard the outer of the Lodge.
- Assume charge of all jewels, regalia and the other like Lodge property and see that they are in proper condition for all meetings of the Lodge.
- Organize the Lodge for its meetings
- Prepare candidates for initiation
- Examine and introduce visiting members
- Supervise the ballot
- Transmit official messages as directed by the Exalted Ruler.
The Chaplain shall perform the duties required of him by the Laws of the Order, or the By-Laws of the Lodge.
To guard well the inner door of the Lodge, permit none to enter except those duly qualified, and none to retire without permission of the Exalted Ruler.
To provide the music prescribed by the rituals of the Order and perform such other duties as are assigned.
The House Committee is responsible for managing and supervising the Club facility, including decisions pertaining to employment relationships and the fixing of prices for goods and services, and hearing complaints for violations of House Rules. Members serve at the pleasure of the Exalted Ruler and may be removed by him/her at any time, with or without cause.