Youth Scholarships

The Hopkins Elks raises money for a variety of charitable causes not the least of which is student scholarships and financial incentives. Here we highlight a couple of scholarships and financial awards sponsored by the Lodge.
There are two primary scholarships and awards donated by the Hopkins Elks. They are:
Most Valuable Student Scholarship
Student of the Month Scholarship
Most Valuable Student Scholarship
The Most Valuable Student Scholarship is part of the National Elks Foundation scholarship program which nationally funds 500 scholarships annually. Students compete at the local, district, state and national level to receive between $1,000 and $15,000 in scholarship monies. The criteria for the scholarship include:
Applicants apply to the local lodge and the top 3-4 applicants are recognized and move on to the district contest. Our local lodge winners then go on to compete within our Metro District which is comprised of six(6) lodges. Three(3) boys and three(3) girls are then selected from across the lodges within the district to compete at the State contest. At the state level, three(3) boys and three(3) girls are selected from applicants from all the lodges in the state to move on to the National contest. Those who make it to the State Contest but do not make it on to Nationals are awarded $2,000/apiece. Finally, the top 3 boys/girls from our state compete at Nationals against applicants from across the country. The top seven(7) boys/girls at the National level earn anywhere from $2,000 to $15,000 annually (up to 4 years) in scholarships. If the applicant made it to the National competition but didn't place in the top 7, he/she is awarded $1,000/year or $4,000 total.
In 2013 one of local lodge winners went on to win a $40,000 scholarship in the national competition. If you'd like more information on this scholarship, you can contact Pat Wright (PER), or visit the Elks National Foundation web site. They have an entire section of the site devoted to the Most Valuable Student Scholarship at
Student of the Month Scholarship
The criteria for qualifying for the scholarship include:
Students can obtain an application from the Guidance Office at Hopkins High. They are available during the school year. School counselors will perform a preliminary review of the applications and forward on those meeting the necessary qualifications.
This year the lodge will be awarding one $200 scholarship each month.
If you would like more information on this scholarship, please contact Jim Huttner (PER).
There are two primary scholarships and awards donated by the Hopkins Elks. They are:
Most Valuable Student Scholarship
Student of the Month Scholarship
Most Valuable Student Scholarship
The Most Valuable Student Scholarship is part of the National Elks Foundation scholarship program which nationally funds 500 scholarships annually. Students compete at the local, district, state and national level to receive between $1,000 and $15,000 in scholarship monies. The criteria for the scholarship include:
- Any high school senior. College students are not eligible.
- Must be a citizen of the United States as of the date of application.
- Does not need to be related to a member of the Elks.
- Applicants are judged on scholarship, leadership and financial need.
- Scholarships are reviewed and awarded separately for males and females.
Applicants apply to the local lodge and the top 3-4 applicants are recognized and move on to the district contest. Our local lodge winners then go on to compete within our Metro District which is comprised of six(6) lodges. Three(3) boys and three(3) girls are then selected from across the lodges within the district to compete at the State contest. At the state level, three(3) boys and three(3) girls are selected from applicants from all the lodges in the state to move on to the National contest. Those who make it to the State Contest but do not make it on to Nationals are awarded $2,000/apiece. Finally, the top 3 boys/girls from our state compete at Nationals against applicants from across the country. The top seven(7) boys/girls at the National level earn anywhere from $2,000 to $15,000 annually (up to 4 years) in scholarships. If the applicant made it to the National competition but didn't place in the top 7, he/she is awarded $1,000/year or $4,000 total.
In 2013 one of local lodge winners went on to win a $40,000 scholarship in the national competition. If you'd like more information on this scholarship, you can contact Pat Wright (PER), or visit the Elks National Foundation web site. They have an entire section of the site devoted to the Most Valuable Student Scholarship at
Student of the Month Scholarship
The criteria for qualifying for the scholarship include:
- Must be a graduating senior from Hopkins High School
- Must continue on to higher education either to a community college or a technical school
- Must demonstrate qualities of leadership, Americanism and citizenship
Students can obtain an application from the Guidance Office at Hopkins High. They are available during the school year. School counselors will perform a preliminary review of the applications and forward on those meeting the necessary qualifications.
This year the lodge will be awarding one $200 scholarship each month.
If you would like more information on this scholarship, please contact Jim Huttner (PER).