Pay Your 2023 Annual Dues
Select your membership type and any additional donations you would like to make as part of your dues. The vast majority of members are "Regular" members. Lifetime members have been a member for at least 30 years and have been voted in as a "Lifetime" member. If you believe you qualify for Lifetime membership please contact the Lodge Secretary at [email protected] for more information.
Please select the appropriate type of Membership and hit Add to Cart. A second tab will open with your cart. You can return to this page to add any of the donations listed below. Select the amount of the donation from the drop down list for each donation you would like to make and hit Add to Cart for each one individually. When complete, go to the second tab and checkout. You do NOT need a Pay Pal account. You can hit the gray Checkout button and enter your payment type of choice. Please double check the items in your cart before remitting payment.
If you want to do different donation amounts than those listed, you can send a separate check to the Lodge and specify the amounts as to how you want it applied. A $3.00 convenience fee has been added to the membership due amount.
Thanks for using our Online Payment system!
Please select the appropriate type of Membership and hit Add to Cart. A second tab will open with your cart. You can return to this page to add any of the donations listed below. Select the amount of the donation from the drop down list for each donation you would like to make and hit Add to Cart for each one individually. When complete, go to the second tab and checkout. You do NOT need a Pay Pal account. You can hit the gray Checkout button and enter your payment type of choice. Please double check the items in your cart before remitting payment.
If you want to do different donation amounts than those listed, you can send a separate check to the Lodge and specify the amounts as to how you want it applied. A $3.00 convenience fee has been added to the membership due amount.
Thanks for using our Online Payment system!